Of Leading Tickles, Blow Me Downs and Other Cultural Ties to the Land

Of Leading Tickles, Blow Me Downs and Other Cultural Ties to the Land

  Murton (2011) quotes landscape architect John Corner when he says that landscape is “neither universally shared nor manifested in the same way across cultures and time. … To assume that every society shares an American, English, or French view of landscape, or that other societies possess any version of landscape at all, is to wrongly impose on other cultures one’s own image” (Murton, 2011, p. 75).  Many people are surprised to find out that the way that people see…

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An Update July 7, 2019

An Update July 7, 2019

I haven’t updated in over year as I’ve been so busy; however, two publications, two major projects and one successful grant application later, it’s time to update. That begins with an announcement that I’ve uploaded the first publication to this website—(it can be found under publications). The second publication is due to be printed in November, and I will upload a preproof at that time. I will be exploring both of these publications in “layman’s terms” here on the blog…

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Wa’tkwanón:weron Ohneganos Ohnegahde:gyo – Water is life Workshop Participants

Wa’tkwanón:weron Ohneganos Ohnegahde:gyo – Water is life Workshop Participants

General Maps in Chronological Order Nunaliit Atlases Nunaliit Demo “The CBC Map” – Carte de l’Amerique Septentrionnale : depuis le 25, jusqu’au 65⁰ deg. de latt. & environ 140, & 235 deg. de longitude (1688) Jean Baptiste Louis Franquelin, hydrographe du roy, à Québec en Canada Atlas of Ontario Neuroscience Partie orientale du Canada ou de la Nouvelle France où sont les provinces ou pays de Saguenay, Canada, Acadie etc.; (1689) Coronelli Siku Ice Atlas Carte du Canada ou de la…

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Language is Identity: A Case for Indigenous Language Revitalization

Language is Identity: A Case for Indigenous Language Revitalization

Many thanks to Melanie Lefebvre (@theoriginalmel on Twitter) for this week’s blog post. This paper, “Language is Identity:A Case for Indigenous Language Revitalization” was written for Concordia University’s course INDI 620/2 Language, Land, Identity, taught by Professor Elizabeth Fast. Melanie’s glorious artwork, a watercolour painting of buffalo anatomy is also presented here. Maarsi for your work, Melanie!   By: Melanie Lefebvre   Concordia University October 31, 2018   êkoni ê-kî-kiskinohamâkot tâpiskôc onipâwinihk ohci. it was as if the porcupine had taught her…

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